Join us as we hold hands to create a bright future for orphaned and abandoned children in Rwanda by creating homes filled with hope. New Hope Homes, Rwanda. If you can read only one post. Read the one marked Thursday 4.20 from the 06 Archive and you will begin to understand. Our website is
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Endless tears.
6 am I awoke to the morning activity. Neither alarm had rung. I greeted my family. The sunrise was spectacular over the back of the home. The rear steps/landing of the home are the bedrock of most, washing etc. Issach was the first of the two boys to greet the day. He gave me a gentle hug starring in disbelief that today was the day I was leaving. I began putting the bags by the front door and they all started to think I was leaving at that moment. They came running trying to assess the situation. I did my best to tell them that I was just getting it ready for depature, not yet leaving. Time is a very hard thing to describe but eventually they understood that I had 2 hours prior to my departure. I looked at Issach and said "ABCs?".
His eyes lit up and he quickly got the box from the drawer and began dumping the pieces.
3 days ago I thought this particular matching game might be too advanced for him. Today he had it mastered. He is soooooo smart. At one point he looked up and asked "Rwanda? America?" while pointing to the game. His eyes beemed when I said "Rwanda". This child has captured my heart in a very powerful way. To think 2 months ago he as a beaten battered begger with a misterable life in front of him. Today he has the potential to achieve the ultimate that God has in store for him. To all of you that have been donating to CALM, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. His life has been dramatically altered because of you. He is a living testiment to Chantal following her calling to help these former orphans. I began to ponder what is would be like to bring home both Issach and Dorene (aka Kababy). How his eyes would light up at the airplane, of seeing all that there was outside of what he knew. I envisioned the kids of Abbott meeting them for the 1st time. He would quickly absorb the language and we would visit Rwanda annually to keep them emersed in their culture. Oh to dream of the possiblities. I had planned at being at the 1st home by 7:30 am at the latest in order to being my goodbyes. I asked mama if the kids could "a handee with Miss Donna" ...go to the other house. She motioned that they 1st needed to eat. They sat down to their hot milk and buttered bread. When Mama left the room I motioned for them to eat fast so we could go. Issach was all or it. Lyionere was a bit confused, but Issach expain. Viola. Done. Ahh, not to hit the trail. I said goodbye to Mama when she motioned that their faces needed to be cleaned. "Eggo/Yes" I said. But then next thing I knew she was re-dressing them head to toe. Agggh, time was flying. But I couldn't exactly just leave without them understanding so I just went with the flow. 20 mins later we headed for the front door. As we opened it Sabrina walked in laughing. I looked behind her and there was a trail of all of my angels who had come to say goodbye. It was darling. It was a brilliant plan as it allowed us to maximize our time together. We showed the older kids some of the games we had. You could tell there were a little bummed that they were only at the 2nd home but when we sat down to play them they quickly re-focused on the games. Fabiola was exceptionally interested in learning. We had brought a couple of these games to the 1st home but the chaos is endless with everyone wanting to play. For some that simply means chewing on a piece. For others that means wondering off with their own piece or filling their pockets with them.
I took some photos of Paul and Mary Rose for the couple that is deciding this weekend if they want to adopt them. Marie Rose was dressed in the prettiest little purple dress. Paul was sporting his new cap.
Throughtout our time together I kept disppearing into one of the rooms or outside to to bawl. At one point Issach found me, then Fabiola. They walked up and stared into my face to determine what they were seeing. How do you explain to these kids that you love them more than they could possibly imagine. That I couldn't love them any more if they were my own. How do I with hold the tears that I may never see them again if they are adopted. Every time I picked up Kababy I would ask her if I was supposed to bring her home with me. If she was supposed to be my daughter. She of course didn't have a clue what I was saying but she looked me straight in the eyes and then would start to laugh...Kababay...silly one. I put her on top of my duffle bag and sure enough...she would fit inside. The perfect smuggler! I laughed at the thought.
I wasn't sure if the kids were going to the airport like last time so I wasn't sure when to start my real goodbyes. We sang when you're happy and you know it clap your hands for the last time. I had difficulty getting through the song as I certainly was not happy. I took time to hold each child tell them I loved them and asked God's blessing and protection on them. "da ga coon da" I love you. They were so busy playing and having fun that they just let me be. We never sat down for the kids to pile on me in the usual position. Two under each arm. Two on each leg as was our regular position with everyone squeeling for a closer position.
Chantal arrived to greet us. I asked if the kids were joining us. No, they would be staying at the home. I burst into tears realizing that I now had 5 mins to say my real goodbyes. I held each child and went through the same routine I had done last time. The river of tears that were flowing down my face really concerned them. They simply couldn't understand what their white friend who made them laugh was crying. The Mama hugged me so tight I could hardly breathe. She understood completely. As I started to head to the car, I turned around and did the whole thing one more time. I just couldn't say goodbye. Issach and Fabiola kept studying my face with such intensity. The Aunties had told Chantal that Issach had been crying this morning too. I mustered everthing in me to say "Goodbye, I love you and I will miss you and cry many tears in America" in Kenyarwanda. They understood. then I wiped away the slobber on my face and got into the car. They kids were looking at me with such intensity, I knew I needed to focus on what the heck...another round of if you're happy and you know it just for good measure. They all joined in in full voice.
As we drove past the gate of the home I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I cried until my insides were empty. Chantal just kept saying " oh they love you Miss Donna, they will miss you". Suddenly I realized that we hadn't said goodbye to the mom in the 1st home nor Sarah, but we were out of time. Chantal promised to do the honors.
All the new clothes should be ready later today so Chantal promised to take a photo and send them to me. It would have been such a blessing to be present when they tried them on for the first time, but alas, time marches on. I look forward to when we can have internet so we can talk back and forth to the kids and adults.
Mbanda met us at the airport for my goodbye For now.
On some measures, it it good that the journey to and from Rwanda takes 36 hours. I easily need that much processing time.
Clearly God has given me an amazing blessing to be present to these children. To have famiy, friends, co-workers and others that care enough to make a difference. To truly make a big difference in the lives of these beautiful blessed children.. The tinest of the kids in the tinest of the spec of a country. I intend to do my utmost for His highest. I'd like to set my sights on raising $75,000 to build our 3rd home. What choice will I personally make about adoption. I trust God has a plan and will reveal it in His perfect time.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Really making a difference.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A powerful day
We're really making a difference. Check out Zach.
Easter blessings.
Easter Sunday
Awoke at 6:30. Stayed in bed until 7. A very sleepless night.
The morning greet ritual started the day right. I love it. It's how the kids also say goodbye when they are leaving a home. They literally go to each person that is there and shake their hands. Kids shaking other kids hands is so cool. It's not really a grab the wrist of the other person and greet them. I've learned to factor in hello and goodbye time when I am trying to get the 2 boys to one home or the other.
i asked what time the kids go to church for easter as i thought it would be fun. no one seems to understand. But as usual something kickes into gear and I scramble. About 8 am everything turned into a whirlwind with people getting dressed up. Reonerre had a grin on his face that went from ear to ear when they put a brand new pair of pants on him and a new shirt. you would have thought that the he had just received the world. he kept wiggling and dancing.
It wa then that I noticed they had been wearing the same clothes for 3 days. Ahh,note to self, we need more clothes. The boys brushed their teeth outside and made sure their shoes were clean. they pointed to the hill which meant we were heading out. Ok...we must be getting the other kids. As we walked to the 1st home the mom waved goodbye and she kept walking. oh...we don't get to go to church. oh well, we went in a sang and danced. At 1:30 suddenly clothes were dumped into a pile i the center of the floor and everyone started to grab theirs and try to put them on as best they could. The mom and aunties go child to child. i helped too. Marie Rose went to Issach and he helped button her dress and tie the bow in the back. It was adorable. Then we headed off to church. 9 small kids, 3 adults. So darn cute. We were quite the parade. No one shouted moozoomgo (white person) this time. I guess i am now considered a regular.
As we reached the market i hoped that we might be going to the one that I went to last year. We walked through the rutty, dusty road past all of the little shop keepers in their wooden shacks who were quite suprised to see me. They were easily amused at my kinyarwanda. We rounded a corner and viola. We'd arrived. The same church as last year, with the same pastor. He had actually visited mpls a few years ago. The tiny brick block church had made zero building progress in past year. it was still in need of window and some additional walls to meet the ceiling. it holds about 100 people and is simply wonderful. The choir was wearing their robes for the 1st time. Someone had donated them money to have them made. they were so sweet. The kids in blue and white and the adults in blue and yellow. They sang so beatifully. A man name William sat next to me at Sieba's urging so he could translate. They asked the 5 visitors to introduce themselves and tell how God had blessed their lives. In kinyarwanda i said "halleluih, hello, my name is donna.may God bless you and i love rwanda" They clapped in approval. William then translated that my blessing was to spend 2 Easters in Rwanda helping with the kids.
The minister spoke alot about the genocide. He said that today they were happy that Christ had risen but in honor of those who died in the genocide there would be no clapping. 13 years ago it was the 2nd day of killing. Saddness and joy filled the place.
After the service people greeted me warmly. As we did our return walk, I took lots of photos of the shop keepers. All these sweet kids (who had sat perfectly silent in church by the way) walking these dusty roads back home while laughing at miss donna.
About 70% of the people said yes to photo on this journey. They were especially welcoming of photos of their kids.Imagine not ever having having the money to have a photo of your child. I would love to have an instant camera and a few thousand dollars to simply walk and give them photos.
i wanted to go back to the large market to take photos but the sky was iffy. Perhaps tomorrow.
Back home lunch was waiting for the kids and we greeted everyone before heading home.
Issach seemed sad, but I'm not sure why.
i spent about 20 mins taping the staff saying various words in kinyarwranda for sarah upcoming trip. hopefully it will help. i will also try to burn a dvd of it so they can watch it in rwanda...they are sure to think that is' a hoot.
Back home we played our favorite game of concentration b4 miss donna announced that she taking nap. The kids followed suit.
The language barrier and kids are exhausting but what more joy could anyone ask for?
They don't do R so it comes out L. Turnes Rionere is actually Liyonere....which makes more sense when they tell me it's Lionel in english. Obviously french. too funny.
Zach copied letters into my journel. He did great.I finally broke out the canned chicken for easter dinner...and an orange. Such a feast.
They had a doughy dinner and laughed when i wouldn't take a bite. They will love our july visitors who are anxious to try everything.
I called Mom and Dad for 3 mins to say hello. the same with Erika. Erika nearly cried when she heard my voice. it's nice to be missed.
Thankful on Easter
Games and Time to Remember.
I got up early to sit in front of the hotel and watch the morning rush hour. 90% foot traffic with the occasional car or motorcycle. Book bags etc on top of people's head. A set of prisoners (you can tell because they dressed in pink head to toe) walked down the street. They can often be seen doing road work or building projects. This group included the 1st woman that I had seen.
Photos are less welcomed this trip. Apparently the free market now suggests they are worth money. People are happy to be photographed for a few rwanda francs. I pass on those opportunities.
After breakfast Chantal returned from visiting her Aunt whose husband had died last week. Her heart was with them. I know she would have preferred to stay there but always the gracious host she returned to us.
I sat with the kids in the back of the bus (the only right thing to do when I was a freeloader). We sang songs and even wrote a wrap song for Rwanda. "The people of rwanda are beatiful, the people of rwanda are full of joy, the people of rwanda love to smile. The hills of rwanda go on and on. they're full of people who work all day. they work all day and pray all night....because God's love it dy-no-mite!" We performed it for the parents who were quite proud of their accomplishments.
The return trip took 2 hours vs the 5 hour outbound.
Upon our return, I quickly headed back to the kids. I bought some of the esl games that Tara suggested before I left. I opened them with the kids. We spent over an hour identifying colors, animals and objects in English and Kenyarwanda. I then took Zach (Issach) and Renearie to the 1st home. All the kids were napping so the mom, 2 aunties and the 2 boys played another game of concentration. Turn all the cards upside down. Turn 2 at a time and try to find a match. Our constant laughter eventually awoke one child at a time who wiped the sleep from their eyes and swayed into the living room where we were playing to take it all in. When they realized what was going on they quickly shook off the sleep, gave Miss Donna a big hug and joined in. By the end everyone was playing and laughing. We started to translate the pictures into Kinyarwanda for me and English for them. 2 hours later I decided it was time for break. The rain had stopped so I started shooting portraits.
They got back on the swing set and yelled "Miss Donna pushie please". What memories.
As I was leaving for the day Marie Rose said "see you tomorrow" in English. I was floored. Clearly the investment that the kids of Abbott are making in her education is paying off!
Zach, Reonarie and i walked back home. We played some more then suddnely one of the Aunties came out and announced that she had drawn me a bucket of hot water to bathe. The announcement came by her saying water/amaze and looking like she was washing herself. Not bad hmmm. Quite a luxury. She boils a small pot of water. Puts it in a bucket and then puts it in the bathroom. I add cold water until it's the right temp. All in all, it works well.
They can't figure out why I bathe at night when they do it in the morning. For me, I simply need to get the dust and dirt of the day off. Since the kids don't have pjs, they just go to bed in their day clothes. The sheets that Lynn and Becky bought are working just great. They are doing well in the hand laundry!
Dorcas and I played a lot. She's got a monster fro. It's simply adorable.
I looked at my watch and tried to image 13 years ago what the sequence was like this evening. The president's plane shot down when landing. Killing began just 50 mins later. I imagined sitting in teh dark and maybe was maybe lucky enough to have kerosene lamps and a radio to listen to the news as the word of killing began to spread. As we walked down the dusty bumpy hill to the 2nds home and passed 3 young men standing in the street. I tried to imagine one turning with a machete in hand slowly butchering me. Cutting tendons so I couldn't run. Then cutting off an arm, maybe a leg etc. Laughing and drinking while enjoying the entertainment. Perhaps they would chose the way they often did for women. Raped by and Aids infected man. I know these thoughts are really not comprendable. But...this is EXACTLY what is happening in Darfur right now. They only difference is the Janjiweed are on horseback and choose to burn everything when they are finished with a village so there is nothing to return to if you are lucky enough to escape.
If you haven't done so already. Please go to SAVEDARFUR.ORG and get smart on simple ways you can help.
Certainly not happy thoughts for Good Friday. But a powerful one to be sure.
Everyone is trying to help
Friday, April 06, 2007
Returning home we gathered for songs of praise and prayer. It was also time to meet the President of Kids Across America who is leading this delegation. A wonderful man of faith who is listening to God’s call to help the children of Rwanda.
The son of Tom Richie, Jay had also gathered. They are doing amazing things with bicycles with the coffee coops. I met a man in mpls named Greg Hoyt who is buying coffee from the coops. Darn outta time...gotta go.
Returning home we gathered for songs of praise and prayer. It was also time to meet the President of Kids Across America who is leading this delegation. A wonderful man of faith who is listening to God’s call to help the children of Rwanda.
The son of Tom Richie, Jay had also gathered. They are doing amazing things with bicycles with the coffee coops. I met a man in mpls named Greg Hoyt who is buying coffee from the coops. Darn outta time...gotta go.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
A horrific reminder
Laughing until it hurts.
I awoke to singing and laughing in the home. The kids wake up early. There really isn’t much to do. They have 2 balls in the home, a couple of stuffed bears and a rattle so you make the best of it all.
I play catch with the boys non stop. The boys are toooooo funny. Renere constantly corrects me to make sure I am pronouncing his name properly. When he throws the ball to me he fakes like he is going to throw it to Zach but then throws it to me EVERYTIME. He thinks it’s faking it well and rolls his eyes and makes a face like …you never know…this time I might not throw it to you miss donna…but then it come sailing across.
I brought the boys over to the 1st home to play this morning. It was great having the kids together. But then it’s easy to run out of things to do there too. Throw a ball, sing the abc’s, count to 10, mirror funny body positions that I make….then what? Frankly their favorite thing is to dogpile on me and fight for position closest to my heart. I usually have 5 or 6 that have some how managed to get into my lap. They simply want to be hugged and loved. Yes, it is a universal need. They also like to dance. Someone donated money for a swing set and merry go round. It’s quite raw in it’s presentation but it does the trick. The only thing is that it’s made of metal and it’s super hot in the sun. They want to get on it, knowing it’s hot yet let out a little scream until they find a position to make it work. They have also turned into true brothers and sisters in a year so they poke a little, swipe things a little and nag a little so the tears flow a bit more freely. Ahh, true brotherly and sisterly love.
We got a call later that afternoon that Chantal had returned to town so we all piled in a big bus that the visitors had rented and off we went to meet everyone. 15 kids and me bouncing along the bumpy road.
Outta time for now… not sure when I can get back on line but until then, simply know that all is well.
Laughing until it hurts.
I awoke to singing and laughing in the home. The kids wake up early. There really isn’t much to do. They have 2 balls in the home, a couple of stuffed bears and a rattle so you make the best of it all.
I play catch with the boys non stop. The boys are toooooo funny. Renere constantly corrects me to make sure I am pronouncing his name properly. When he throws the ball to me he fakes like he is going to throw it to Zach but then throws it to me EVERY TIME. He thinks it’s faking it well and rolls his eyes and makes a face like …you never know…this time I might not throw it to you Miss Donna…but then it come sailing across.
I brought the boys over to the 1st home to play this morning. It was great having the kids together. But then it’s easy to run out of things to do there too. Throw a ball, sing the abc’s, count to 10, mirror funny body positions that I make….then what? Frankly their favorite thing is to dogpile on me and fight for position closest to my heart. I usually have 5 or 6 that have some how managed to get into my lap. They simply want to be hugged and loved. Yes, it is a universal need. They also like to dance. Someone donated money for a swing set and merry go round. It’s quite raw in its presentation but it does the trick. The only thing is that it’s made of metal and it’s super hot in the sun. They want to get on it, knowing it’s hot yet let out a little scream until they find a position to make it work. They have also turned into true brothers and sisters in a year so they poke a little, swipe things a little and nag a little so the tears flow a bit more freely. Ahh, true brotherly and sisterly love.
We got a call later that afternoon that Chantal had returned to town so we all piled in a big bus that the visitors had rented and off we went to meet everyone. 15 kids and me bouncing along the bumpy road.
Outta time for now… not sure when I can get back on line but until then, simply know that all is well.
So much to tell.
At a later date I will share the crazy story of my time in Nairboi...but for now I will move forward as I only have 1 hour of computer time at a cyber cafe about 3 hours from Kigali. 1 hour may sound like a long time...but on dial up it's about 10 mins.
After a delay in Nairboi followed by a mechanical problem I was finally on my way. A hour flight to Buruni, 1 hour hold on the ground and then 20 mins later I was finally in Kigali. After i passed through customs I was searching for Chantal, but I didn't spot her. Oh no, perhaps she had the wrong day. I looked about and finally spotted a woman holding a sign with my name. Chantal and Mbanda were out of town with 17 guests from the states who are hearing exploring creating a huge sports camp for kids. The woman was Mbanda assistant's and she spoke a bit of english. I asked if we could stop and get water. No problem. A case of water in a small car bumping our way down the street and we were off. It felt so familiar. I knew where we were going and marked the terrific progress that had been made in the past year.
We arrived at the beautiful new home that just opened 2 months ago. We have 4 kids there. Providence who is 4 weeks old, Zach about 6, Reneree about 6, Silve 1 year (she had been found in the bushes the day i left and has been in and out of the hospital since) and to my surprise Dorcas. Dorcus was just 4 weeks old when I was here last time and I delighted to see her since I expected her to be in the 1st home. She got quite the fro.
The mommy and aunties greeted me warmly. I knew one of them from last time. It was a regular old reunion. I asked Mbanda's assistant if we could go to the 2nd home before she left. It's just a short distance...up a dirt road and around the corner.
It was exciting to just walk up to the house without Chantal getting them all worked up. When I arrived the kids came running. I didn’t really expect them to remember me a year later but in my heart I sorta hoped there would be some type of connection. The kids come up and greet everyone who arrives so I know it wasn’t just for me. Then we sat on the floor and began to play. Within about 5 mins, Fabiola, the oldest, looked at me and started to sing the ABC song I taught them last time. The other kids joined in. They all look so good. They are healthier and so happy. Sweet Paul and Rose Mary whose mother (dying from aids) had brought them to the home 2 days before I left last time were sooo happy now. When I left Paul had cried nonstop for 36 hours. Rose Mary was really distant. Now they were bright and bubbly. Marie Rose who weighed 28 pounds at age 4 as she had been eating beans and potatoes from the garden and had a huge distended stomach when last I saw her is now simply stunning. She’s quite a beauty. Sabrina is even more playful and yes the little girl name Dorene aka Kababy (silly one) who stole my heart last time snatched it right back. She knew exactly where to sit in my lap and claims that spot as her own. I am completely in love with this little charmer. Deborah is can now walk at age 2 despite her cerebral palsy. She’s adorable. I could go on and on about each child. All I know for sure is that the love, prayers and financial support that you all have been giving has literally turned their world rightside up. The milk from the cows is blessing their bodies abundantly. I was hanging at the 1st home when the milk delivery came. He had 2 big metal bottle strapped to his bike. Yesterday I saw the drive he had to make each day. It must take him and hour each way and there is a huge hill on the return trip. Thank you Bill, JoAnne and William for 2 beautiful cows. You will never know what you have really done.
It was so much fun having to translate without Chantal trying to get the ball rolling. I took the teaching materials that I had brought this time and began to figure out some words. I would point to the color or object and say it in English..then they would tell me in kinyarwanda. We laughed until we split a gut. We did ok…and those things that we couldn’t figure out they just looked at me with puzzled faces and we laughed and gave up.
The second home does not have any electricity yet. The stove is a charcoal cooking stove outside like we had last time. The sink in the bathroom has a tiny tiny stream of water and the bucket provides the African bath. Except for last night where I used a tiny bottle of water…but you’ll have to wait for the next entry to hear about that one.
No electricity makes for good humor and lots of love. You just sit on the floor with one small candle and sing or play. They do have a battery powered radio to listen to songs and dance.
There are simply no distractions other than the constant work. I tried to help do some wash in the bucket but they laughed and me and said ‘no miss donna’…I said eggo…which is yes…and they said “no no no”…we laughed and I lost the round.
I brought these terrific lights that you hand crank for 60 seconds in order to provide about 1 hour of light…but alas they provided about 2 mins. Thankfully I brought my headlamp so I was able to easily get around in my room and the house. They do seem to be working a bit longer each day.
Night one. Tylenol PM and happy as the right to be in life.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
All is perfect
No time to write more...but I am here in Rwanda. The kids are amazing. All is well.
Will try to write in a few days. So much to share. Thanks to all who have been helping these just won't believe how they are thriving.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Safe n Sound in Nairobi
Thus far my trip has simply been effortless. The 4 hour layover in Amsterdam went by in a flash...just enough time to pop by the world club to get online and do some walking through the terminal prior to my flight to Nairobi.
The Nairobi flight was packed. I was thankful to have an aisle seat on the MD11. Especially thankful when my seatmates arrived and they had to smush in to the seats. There we were 3 pack was set to be a very long long flight with hardly any legroom and tall people next to me trying to fold in half to fit into the seat. Thankfully, a seat opened up in front of me and I lept for it. Ahhh, an aisle seat with no one seated next too me. Quite deluxe indeed. I got some terrific sleep (when of course I should have been awake to adjust my body clock).
It was good to be in Nairobi again. I think of Heidi's 2 trips in the past year and now Lisa joining in the crew next week. Surely my life is filled with people who have a love for this continent including Marc and his work in SL.
I made my way to the world club where I was intending to spend the night (8pm until 8 am) prior to my flight to Rwanda. Unforturnately they said my world club card was not accectable as I was flying outbound on Kenya Air vs KLM. I assured them that if KLM had a flight to Rwanda, I would be on it. I stood my ground for about 45 mins with kindness, firmness and silent prayer. Eventually she allowed me to pass, for how long...I'm not sure.
I immediately headed to the computer so I could begin my conversations with Sandy and Erika who were at their computers for our prescheduled chat. Signing onto .mac took about 30 mins. Opening an email 20-30 I gave up and told them I would blog for bit and try to sign on later. Ahhh, the art of slower than slow dial up. It's the perfect transition to a pace that will soon be slowing even more.
Oh, I almost forgot about one important thing. I looked at the name on the KLM plane from Amsterdam to Nairobi, she was cristened Mother Theresa. It was kind of s silent affirmation for me. NOT that I would consider myself 1/100th of Mother Theresa, it was simply a reminder of her call to help the homeless and people in need. I turned around and saw a young woman from her order. We struck up a conversation and she was sheer joy. She joined the order 10 years ago at 18. She speaks 5 languages and has been most recently working in Poland. She was on her way home to see her family home for the 1st time in 10 years. Various members of her family had seen her thoughout the years but this was her 1st official vacation. She was delighted to say the least.
When I was trying to get into the worldclub in Nairobi I met a young man who is doing a documentary of various things in Rwanda. He just shot a film of a bee farmer. A gentleman was trying to help them perfect their output. They put it on line and he raised quite a bit of money to help. What a wonderful world we live in.
There are so many people doing so many wonderful things every day to help those in need. Perhaps it's with a neighbor, perhaps sponsoring a child somewhere or using their physical hands to make a difference. It's quite a world we live in.
While I am a bit time warped, I am beginning to get a bit more excited to see the kids. I know they won't remember me but Chantal will have them worked up enough to make me believe that they do. Either way, I am so blessed to be on this journey.
In Amsterdam
The journey continues.
Quite a contrast to last year as my friend Erika likes to remind me. This trip I head to Rwanda with a series of "knowns." But I am confident that there will be many delightful surprises along the way too. Having seen many parts of this planet, it's especially rare for me to go back to some place I have been. I ususally keep moving forward to new places. But, in a funny way, my return to Rwanda is moving forward.
My departure was a study in contrasts. My last shower for the next 2 weeks, basking in the rain of hot water contrasted to my upcoming 'African bath' of boiled water from a charcoal cooking stove placed in a small thermos mixed with cold water from a wash tube. A McDonald's send off vs eating out of my suitcase. Determining what clothes to bring vs the people people of Rwanda who mainly have 2 sets of clothes. Carrying a bag full of technology (Mac, 2 cameras, video camera etc) to capture the stories that I need to bring back to tell their story in the states in a country where 90% of the people live in mud huts.
I am eager to see the kids and smother them with kisses. Seeing their faces again. Faces that have been frozen in time via my camera when I know indeed they are a year older. I am excited to know that they will be on holiday the time that I am there. Kids in Rwanda go to school year round with 2 short breaks in the is perfectly timed for my trip. Another blessing. I was however looking forward to walking the 40 mins these sweet kids walk each way to and from school each day. Looks like I may need another workout routine. Will have to settle for jumping around with the kids.
On that plane I thanked God that I was able to get an emergency row window. I built my little nest. The emergency door was slightly ahead of my seat so it was much warmer than usual. I took my 2 tylenol pm's as I boarded the plane, ready for a good night sleep. The only one I will likely get for the next 36 hours of travel. We had a mechanical which I slept through, barely woke up for takeoff and then unfortunately tossed and turned most of the night. Hmmm, just couldn't get comfy.
Oh well, and so it goes.
Several people have asked how one gets to Rwanda. My route is Mpls to Amsterdam, to Nairobi then about an hour and a half to Rwanda. Our homes are around 20 mins from the airport so once I leave Nairobi I am almost there. Total travel time is about 36 hours.
Thanks to Cathy Storms who provided transportation and a big send off hug just one month prior to her wedding. Thanks Cathy.
Catherine Bension sent my final inbound blackberry email of inspiration as I was boarding the plane. Yes, my fingers/thumbs will get a rest from their perpetual "2 thumbing" on my blackberry.
Everything thus far has been simply effortless. NWA only charged me excess baggage for one of the 2 overweight bags full of supplies. I was able to easily convert some more $20s to $50 and $100. Rwanda has a unique money system. They don't take US $20s nor do they take bills older than 2001. Why? Not a clue. Thankfully Chantal serves as my bank when I arrive as there are no ATMS. No travelers checks are accepted and credit cards are only accepted at the 2 nice hotels. I suppose there are benefits to a cash society...less debt.
That's it for now. Hopefully I will be able to jump back online in Nairobi.
If you don't hear from me for quite some time it just means that the internet was down from here forward. Fear not, I travel under the wing of protection of God.
"It's all good" as Jack Rooney would say.
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