Thursday, April 21, 2011

Going on midnight here with much to do yet, so I will keep it brief. A thousand thank yous to everyone who sent shoes. They were absolutely wonderful.

The really special part is to see the joy on their faces when they see the pics of who sent these shoes. The read each card and study every word that is written. Then they sit down all alone and really look at the pictures. Once that is done, then they joyfully run around trying to show as many people as possible who is their 'sponsor' and ask all sorts of questions about them. The most common one is "Will you please greet my sponsor and tell them thank you for me?" Then they ask "Will they skype with me?" Yes, I have created little technology pros here in Rwanda! Whoops.

Today in school I asked the question where would they like to visit in America. Many made their decision by where the people are the sent their shoes. You really do matter.

The adults have never had such quality shoes so they were pretty much speechless.

We also had some great skyping time with people in all sorts of places. They love it!

On a personal note for me. A another little trip to the Mayor's office and I am almost done with my paper processing on this end. Then to immigration to do the final step for hopeful citizenship. The kids are hoping it will be true. They think I should be called an African if it happen. Or African American vs RwandaDonna. Love is in the air. (as are the mosquitoes from the daily downpours.

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