Monday, January 05, 2009


A household of faith. One thing is very clear in this house. It is full of love and that love comes from the love of God. I continue to be amazed at how well behaved these children are. They listen to their elders in a way that I wish more American kids do. More importantly they show them respect. They listen when called. They say they are sorry when they hurt someone. And yes, they’re not perfect, so they do fight light brothers and sisters. The music the plays on the small transistor radio or on the one cd player in the learning center is praise music. They kids sing along or hum it to themselves. I can only imagine what that does for their souls as they are developing into the people they are called to be. These kids are treated with such love. They are given the kind of opportunities you would want your own kids to have. Chantal has hired a tutor to work with the kids after school and even now when they are on break. As you can imagine if you’ve lived on the street or lived in a remote area with little education they need some “catch up” help. And that’s exactly what they get in New Hope Homes. They also have the chance to learn fun skills too. This morning I joined the older kids at swimming lessons. They have Winnie the Pooh floating arms and inflatable tubes around their waists. They could not be more precious as they pick up their new skills. I can only imagine how bright their future is. Speaking of fun! Anthony your bikes are still hard at work bringing the kids such joy. 2 bikes for 27 kids means they have to learn how to share and they get ridden a lot. Thank you for donating ½ of your savings to buy those bikes. And for those of you who don’t know Anthony – he was 10 or 11 when he gave ½ of his savings to help the kids about 1.5 years ago. Imagine that. The Mommies and Aunties would so hard. Sun up to past sun down. Hand making dinner, doing dishes in a bucket and the same with the laundry. The work never ends. I know you Mom’s can relate to that, but imagine doing it alllllllll by hand. And yes, we don’t use disposable diapers. Frankly not much is thrown away. Everything gets used for something. Creativity at its finest. I think today is going to be my last day with internet access for a while so don’t worry if you don’t see another post for a few days. It’s allllll good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. thank you for the photos. can't wait to see photos of the trip north. ;) lots of love to all ~