Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year from Rwanda.

It was indeed a happy one. The day started early. Harv, Abby , Erica and Miss Donna began our 2 hour drive to Musanze at 7 am. Erica and I slept while Abby and Harv got to know each other. I am fighting off a wicked sore throat so I thought some rest would be good!

We arrived at Chantal’s Husband’s Church – Bishop Laurent Mbanda – just in time for the Kinyrwanda service. Whoops! Forgot to warn Harv that it would be longgggg. By long I mean at least 3 hours. I told him as we were walking in and the look on his face was “seriously?” but clearly the good sport he approached it as he has been doing with everything…a complete spirit of openness.

We were invited to sit in the FRONT ROW! Yikes. Nothing like needing to pay attention! ☺. We were joined by the Mbanda’s two sons Eric and Eddy. I had the amazing fortune of sitting next to bishop john rucyahana who preceded Mbanba as Bishop. He translated everything for us.

The service was powerful.

5 or 6 choirs (we lost count) sang and praised God. Then they invited people to share. This turned out to be a moving experience for all of us. A young man came to the front and invited his parents to join him. He publically shared that he has squandered $300 of his fathers dollars and drinking and partying. I think he said it was 3 years ago. Remember…most people here make just over $300 a year, so this is sizable money. He talked about how his mother had always been supportive of his and his father had set a great example for him, yet he did the wrong thing. He publically asked for forgiveness from both his parents which was granted. His father also invited the community to forgive him. The young man---maybe mid 20’s. Stood there and just ‘took it like a man’ as his father talked about the miss use of funds. He accepted his public role in acknowledging that he had done wrong. By the time he was finished I was crying my eyes out. A real life prodigal son story. It was really moving. It made me think about all the reconciliation work that was done here after the genocide and continues still today.

Another story was from a widow who was giving things to her husbands family and the community for helping her survive.

Eventually Mbanda got up to speak and started by saying he really didn’t need to preach as what preceeded him had been so powerful. Yet he found a way to teach us all some more about taking risks to achieve things with integrity. He found many ways to motivate those in attendance.

I also got a chance to FINALLY meet Chad and Courtney Bannick who are doing wonderful work for CALM here in Rwanda. They are a very special couple doing God’s work.

After the service we were blessed with some quality time with The Mbanda family. We had a yummy New Years Day meal and continued to ideate who sustainable ideas to make a difference in the lives of so people here. It was inspiring – to put it mildly.

Later Chantal took us to tour the land where we hope to build more New Hope Homes for Orphans as well as grow crops, keep our cows and find other activities to make the work as self sustaining as possible.

Chantal and Abby also identified ways that Abby could help with some of the creative needs around the Mother’s Union that makes crafts. Abby is going to help design some new earrings and baskets.

The drive back to Kigali is breathtaking at dusk. The hills, the green terraced farming and of course the people. It was lovely to not have rain today!

Back at home the big kids were waiting at the house and created a great scenario where it looked like they were sleeping, yet alas, they faking it and it turned into a giggle fest.

Late night dinner where Harv decided to eat with the little little kids and was the endless entertainment. He has a serious gift for working with kids. Simply effortless.

It’s going on midnight here. Time for my bucket bath and then up early for the drive to Kibeho with 7 kids. Yes…the vomit van will again be in motion ☺

PS. The kids looks so sweet in their new clothes, they love their pajamas and carry around their toys nonstop. The girls are especially precious with the dolls many of them asked for and received.

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