Friday, August 08, 2014

Franny's post

Tuesday August 5, 2014

Hello, this is Franny here.  I have been sponsoring Sala and Mwami with my friend Alice for 3 years. This is my first trip to Rwanda and New Hope Homes and I’m loving it.  I am guest blogging for Donna today – hope you enjoy. 

We went to town and picked the moto up with a new back tire. Harvin, Eli, and Franny got measurements taken for new clothes. The kids helped Franny pick out fabric and a style for a new dress. Then we went to the Mother’s Union store and got gifts for our families. We also bought a mattress for the matriarch of the small village on the hill.

After getting home from town, everyone went to the football field. It was so nice. We had match between the kids of New Hope Homes and some local kids. There was a huge group of 53 people watching by the end.  We all took lots of pictures. Auntie Grace organized a few games for all the spectators. It was amazing to see Auntie Gracie playing football. It was sooooooo nice! Then we walked back home.

Then we left for another adventure: giving the matriarch of the small village on the hill her mattress. Nshimiye carried the mattress the whole way there! We greeted her and she welcomed us very warmly. Going into her house, in place of stairs, are rocks. There is no light in her house, only light coming from the doorway and a small window. Seeing her so happy and joyful over a mattress (something I tend to take for granted) really put things into perspective. Then we brought the mattress inside and we helped to prepare it. Her bed before we brought her new mattress was boulders and hay. We put bed sheets and a blanket and a pillow on the bed. Then we knelt on the ground and she prayed for us. Seeing a person living with so little, but still so joyful really made us grateful for what we have. Esther translated for us and she did such a good job! Then the old lady accompanied us to the teacher’s house. We greeted the teacher and gave her a picture of her and her daughter. We walked back home and a bunch of local kids walked with us.

When we arrived home we were greeted by the Littles in their pajamas. After reaching home, we played for a few minutes and then we ate dinner. Then we finished Frozen! Frozen was soooooooooooo nice! We loved the music!

Then we helped Harvin cook meat. We cut it up, boiled it, and then grilled it. We are still working on grilling it! We just finished our night with a dance party! Goodnight, that is the end of the story! Tomorrow we will climb the hill!

Lots of Love,
Franny, Esther, and Marie Rose

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