Friday, April 22, 2011

Exhuasted times 2.

The day started really sweet. Got to sleep until 8 am, then hang with the kids who are at my nightly slumber party. We rotate the groups and play paper rock scissors for the remaining stragglers.

Then they went do to the 2nd/3rd house while I went in search of a Catholic Church. I have been asked for days and no one seemed to know. I recall walking through some woods about 5 years ago to one, but can’t seem to find it now. Yesterday and old man on the street pointed me in the general direction so this morning I set out on my adventure. Much to my surprise, about ½ way down there on the dirt road 2 kids came running up to greet me. They were the kids from the neighborhood and it was so sweet. I felt like a regular. Speaking of regulars the other day when I was walking through the market and getting the traditional shouts “moozoongoo, moozoongo” – white person, white person. Some guys walked by and started in…his friends silenced him by telling them “oh that one…everyone likes that one”…”oh” was the reply and he stopped. I had no idea it had happened but the kids translated it all for me. I think I am making progress in my home away from home. ☺

I kept focused on a radio tower across town and headed that way. It was nice to just walk the road alone. I love the kids, but some ‘me’ time, especially to process on Good Friday was precious. I was very proud of myself when I found it!!! There were piles of people washing the floors and benches in preparation for the weekend Masses. I just sat silently and tried to comprehend the power of this day. The church was really impressively large. They were working the ceiling with nails falling from the tin roof to the floor about every 3-5 mins, so I needed to be somewhat attentive.

The road back was so wonderful. The kids in their tiny homes made of mud bricks wave and said “hello…ahhh-low” when I passed the second time. Everyone is so friendly, especially when I greet them in Kinyarwanda. They simply stare at me as I approach, but then I greet them then laugh and try to get a conversation going. The story goes on person after person on the street.

Then back to the 2nd/3rd homes to play with the little kids until they took their after lunch naps. The rain poured again today so it was fun to skype with some more people to keep them entertained.

I noticed before lunch that Rebecca seemed quite hot. We took her temp and realized it was high. Not to high, but a definite fever. The kids then watched one of the DVD’s I brought them about the history of Football/Soccer. Sande took the small orange cones I brought and set up is own training camp outside. I was so very impressed with how he put himself through the paces. I will post pics in a day or so.

Understand that 30 kids who all want to talk and play at the same time is such a joy but so exhausting. I really try to give the little kids attention when we are all together as I know the big kids so much better.

Later I held Rebecca again and she seemed really hot. We took her temp and it was in the high 103’s so we decided to take her to the doc. Auntie Jaki (who doesn’t speak any English) and I headed to the Doc in the pitch black of night. There is a small Doc’s office near the market which is manned by a male nurse. He was lovely. Vincent (the nurse) initially thought is was Malaria. After drawing blood and then waiting 30 mins he looked at it under a microscope and said it was not. WHOO HOO. He loaded us up with 3 types of medicine and we journeyed back home.

My amaze ashoo-shey (hot water) was on the stove for my evening bathing. So it was ready to go by the time we fed Rebecca, gave her the medicine and tucked her into bed.

The merry band of silly kids and I made our way up to the 1st home. A quick game of go fish and it is lights out. For Me too.

Tomorrow off to Rhungehi – a 2 hours drive to spend the evening with Chantal and Mbanda to work on a vision for New Hope Homes.

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